Xhorse VVDI Prog TMS370 (PLCC28\PLCC44\PLCC68) Adapter

Xhorse VVDI Prog TMS370 (PLCC28\PLCC44\PLCC68) Adapter

Xhorse VVDI Prog TMS370 (PLCC28\PLCC44\PLCC68) Adapter

Xhorse VVDI Prog TMS370 (PLCC28\PLCC44\PLCC68) Adapter

offer top quality Xhorse VVDI Prog TMS370 (PLCC28\PLCC44\PLCC68) Adapter

Wholesale Top quality BENZ ECOM DoIP Diagnostic and Programming Tool, Super DSP3+ Odometer Correction Tool, VAS 5054A ODIS GM Tech2, Scania VCI3

images of Xhorse VVDI Prog TMS370 (PLCC28\PLCC44\PLCC68) Adapter

Xhorse VVDI Prog TMS370 (PLCC28\PLCC44\PLCC68) Adapter

Xhorse VVDI Prog TMS370 (PLCC28\PLCC44\PLCC68) XDPG16EN Adapter


Lesen Sie & write TMS370(PLCC28 package)chip
Lesen Sie & write TMS370(PLCC44 Paket)chip
Lesen Sie & write TMS370(PLCC68 package)chip
Lesen Sie & schreiben Sie die alte Jetta Immo Box
Lesen Sie & schreiben Opel Audio Modul

VVDI-Prog seit V4.6.6 fügt TMS370 Adapter hinzu:

+ Fügt TMS370C002A, TMS370C010A, TMS370C012A hinzu, (Need TMS370(PLCC28) ADPATER)
+TMS370C020A, TMS370C022A, TMS370C032A, TMS370C040A, TMS370C042A, (Need TMS370(PLCC44) ADPATER)
+TMS370C050A, TMS370C052A, TMS370C056A, TMS370C058A,TMS370C56A (Need TMS370(PLCC68) ADPATER) Optionen in <2-MCU>->

Wichtigste Funktion:

Read/Write Old Jetta ("„double82112009“) BCM
Lesen/Schreiben Sie Opel Sail ("„comfortable";2009) BCM

Das Paket beinhaltet:

1pc x Xhorse TMS370(PLCC28) Adapter

Go to Buy: Xhorse VVDI Prog TMS370 (PLCC28\PLCC44\PLCC68) Adapter

Tags: VVDI Prog TMS370, VVDI Prog PLCC28 , PLCC44 , PLCC68
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